Tips for your oral health

Did you know that your body has the capacity to repair small cavities that develop inside your mouth? I always thought that I have to go to the dentist to get each cavity drilled and filled , but after watching this Huberman Lab podcast I was blown way to find out that in the caseContinue reading “Tips for your oral health”

What you eat can make you sick

If you are a man and you are obese you have doubled your chances of having an autistic child. The same goes for women. If as a man you are also diabetic and obese then the risk of you having an autistic child quadruples. These statistics are fresh and are brought to you by ChrisContinue reading “What you eat can make you sick”

My comfort food: quince stew

We all love a good comfort food. I have tried a quince stew with turkey meat and it was amazing. This recipe also had white wine and cinnamon in its ingredients and , believe it or not, they go very well with the meat. I have found out recently about the spiritual benefits of cookingContinue reading “My comfort food: quince stew”

Your north star

I really like it when I can see a clear night sky during my nighttime walks. I often wonder how would it be if for a moment all humanity would come to an agreement to shut down the lights and let the city breathe again in utter darkness. I think we could all enjoy theContinue reading “Your north star”

The race to the present moment

Here we are, at the brink of ending 2023. And I see posts of people who say that this was their best year. When it was not. Because I happened to see their reality. I find it funny, sad and definetely up for debate why people continue to lie to themselves so well and postContinue reading “The race to the present moment”

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